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Dual CS 14

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Chasis DUAL 1224

By Pablo de la Fuente, 3. February 2019, 14:02.
Solamente tengo el chasis y necesitaría una caja modelo dual CS 14 para poder montar mi chasis o placa (no se exactamente como se llama) Una vez montado en su caja ¿que amplificador y que altavaces debería comprar?
Muchas gracias popr echarme una mano. Tengo este chasis de hace muchos años nuevo en su embalaje original y quisiera utilizarlo.

By maximus, 5. February 2019, 12:02.
You are asking for amplifier and loudspeaker recommendations for your turntable. Much depends on the pickup cartridge that you mount on the table. If you stick to Moving Magnet (MM) types, however, I would recommend an integrated amplifier with a good MM phono stage. The Accuphase E-203 could be a good choice. It is old (like the turntable) but good quality throughout. In regards to speakers, much depends on taste, but a pair of old JBLs could be a fun choice if you like rythmic music, e.g. the JBL L-100 century.