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McIntosh MA12000

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McIntosh MA12000 compared to Luxman 509x

By Eclumsden23, 27. January 2024, 23:01.
I am considering the MA12000 integrated amp. Currently have a Luxman 509x, Isotek Aquarius V5 power conditioner, Wilson Audio Yvettes, VPI Prime Scout turntable and looking to upgrade amp, but still stay integrated.
Curious if any of you have experience with both amps and can provide any feedback regarding both amps…Thanks!

By AudioEnth, 10. March 2024, 05:03.
Buying a McIntosh is literally just buying some oversized transformers. Consider an Accuphase or Luxman L-509Z instead. Regards , Alex

By AudioEnth, 10. March 2024, 05:03.
Buying a McIntosh is literally just buying some oversized transformers. Consider an Accuphase or Luxman L-509Z instead. Regards , Alex