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Kenwood JL-1105

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Discuss Kenwood JL-1105

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By Jasonne Johnson, 22. July 2019, 06:07.
Are these good speakers and how do you connect them with the 2 connections on back I also am having a really hard time finding any info on them does anyone know where I can get some specs or a manual on them thanks

By maximus, 25. May 2020, 14:05.
You connect the speakers using two wires. One must go from the red (positive) output terminal on your amplifier to the red terminal on the speaker. Another must go from black (negative) to black. The terminal on the speakers are spring loaded. simply open using the string release, stick a de-isolated end of the wire in and let the release go to tighten. The terminals on you amplifier may be spring loaded or using screw handles. The principle is the same - stick in an de-isolated wire end and tighten. Be careful to connect the red/black on right hand speaker to the right output and similar for left speaker to left output.

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