Sansui SC-3000
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My Sansui sc3000.
By Bob Downs, 8. May 2018, 04:05.
I bought a Sansui sc3000 about a month ago, it needed to be repaired. The veneer that was on the outside looked awful! I took the deck out of the shell and put it in the shop. The wood grain veneer was peeling off, so I removed it only to find a thicker piece of veneer under that. After painstakingly peeling the veneer off, I was surprised to find a beautiful plywood shell. I sanded it down and got all the glue off. I applied a Danish oil natural finish stain, I used Minwax wipe on poly clear Satin polyurethane protection. I just got the deck back from the shop today, and put it back in its new shell. This deck is absolutely gorgeous with the plywood and natural finish. My question is, why would Sansui cover up such a beautiful piece of wood with two veneer finishes?
By maximus, 8. May 2018, 09:05.
The veneer was most likely used to ensure uniformity between the units that are supposed to go together. Could it then be, that If some of the sc3000 took a while longer to sell than the batch of gear that it was originally supposed to go with, then another layer of veneer had to be applied to make it fit well with another batch?
We would LOVE to see a picture of the restored unit. We are working on functionality that will allow pictures as part of posts, but we are not quite there yet. However, If you would like to show an image, then you can send it to us and we will put it up as soon as we can..
We would LOVE to see a picture of the restored unit. We are working on functionality that will allow pictures as part of posts, but we are not quite there yet. However, If you would like to show an image, then you can send it to us and we will put it up as soon as we can..
By Bob Downs, 8. May 2018, 11:05.
I would be happy to send you the pictures of the before during, and after transformation of this deck. I'm not sure how to send them, I could use some help sending them to you. If you could walk me through the process I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you
By maximus, 8. May 2018, 11:05.
Great! Start by sending us an ordinary contact email using the contact page (, then we will guide you from there.
By Bob Downs, 8. May 2018, 12:05.
Okay Maximus, I'll have to finish this later getting ready for work right now. I'll make contact later, thank you
By Bob Downs, 10. June 2018, 13:06.
I just wanted to know if you posted the before and after photos of my Sansui sc3000?
By maximus, 11. June 2018, 11:06.
Unfortunately the pictures have not yet made it online. We will see to it asap...
By saggman54, 25. March 2023, 06:03.
if it's the same as the one I just got,that's not a veneer, it's basically contact paper (simulated wood), mines is still in perfect condition. so I'll leave it for buyer to fix. but it is made of plywood. so they may have used a quality plywood. if they used something like baltic birch, that would really refinish nicely. can't understand why they would put fake vinyl on it if that is what it is. guess they could of used plywood with a clear ply on top so as not to have any issues with print through. be nice to see a picture of the wood finished underneath.
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