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Luxman A-353

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Luxman A-353: no sound until sound turned way up, then all is ok

By rperkin, 23. March 2023, 16:03.
Hi all,
I've had a Luxman A-353 for around a year, and have been very very impressed with it's no apologies transparent sound and power. After a few months I noticed after switching on that there was no output one one channel until I cranked the volume up to 4 for a few seconds, once I had heard something out of the bad channel all was well and I could return the volume to normal listening levels (2). After a while I had to turn the volume higher.
Now no channels have output initially and it takes a while for any output to come out.
Any ideas on what could be happening?

By maximus, 3. June 2024, 15:06.
Could be a number of things, like a cold solder joint, dirty potentiometers or relays, or components going bad.

I would consult a technician if possible.

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