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Luxman A-377

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trouble shooting

By Leo Chong, 1. June 2020, 07:06.
My amp after not been used for about 8 years, when after running for about an hour, the sound started to come on and off . Does anyone having this problem before.

By maximus, 1. June 2020, 11:06.
It could very well be a compromised solder joint. When the Amp reaches high temperature some components and parts may expand ever so slightly. It is not much, but can be enough that a miniscule crack somehere becomes a broken or intermittent electrical connection when the Amp is warm.

Also, some of the cooling measures inside the Amp may have deteriorated. If so the amplifier may become warmer than it used to thereby accentuating the problem. This can be cooling fluid that has evaporated, cooling paste that has hardened, or simply components that now have a higher inner resistance and generate more heat as a result.

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